Eclipta alba medicinal plant |
Selection of the medicinal plants
by early man, without any prior knowledge about them, was largely based on
intuition, guesswork or trial and error. Curiosity and search for food had
contributed considerably to his knowledge about the plants and their virtues.
Superficial resemblance between a specific plant part and the affected organ or
some symptoms of the ailment had also guided the animals’ instinctive
discrimination between toxic and palatable plants might also have helped
primitive man in choosing those plants which were beneficial from nutritive and
medicinal standpoints. Furthermore, the healing powers of some plants were undoubtedly
discovered by accident. Thus, by a combination of these processes there are
gradually developed a considerable knowledge of medicinal plants which was
transmitted from one generation to another at first orally and later in written
form as papyri, baked clay tablets, parchments, manuscripts, herbals and
finally printed herbals, pharmacopoeias and other works.
As far as records go, it appears
that Babylonians (about 300 years BC) were aware of a large number of medicinal
plants and their properties. Some of the plants they used are still in use in
almost the same manner and for the same purpose. As evident from the Papyrus
Ebers (written in about 1500 BC), the ancient Egyptians possessed a good
knowledge of the medicinal properties of hundreds of plants. Many of the
present day important plant drugs like henbane (Hyoscyamus spp.), mandrake
(Mandragora officinarum), opium (latex of Papaver somniferum fruit),
pomegranate (Punica granatum), castor oil (oil of Ricinus communis seeds) aloe
(juice of Aloe spp.), onion (Allium cepa) and many others were in common use in
Egypt about 4500 years ago.
The earliest mention of the
medicinal use of plants in the Indian subcontinent is found in the Rig Veda
(4500 – 1600 BC), which noted that the Indo-Aryans used the Soma plant (Amanita
muscaria, a narcotic and hallucinogenic mushroom) as a medicinal agent. The
Vedas made many references to healing plants including sarpagondha (rauvolfia serpentine),
while a comprehensive Indian Herbal, the Charaka Samhita, cites more than 500
medicinal plants.
The earliest known Chinese
pharmacopoeia, the Pen Tsao, appeared around 1122 BC attributed to the
legendary emperor Shen Nung, this authoritative work described the use of
Chaulmoogra oil (from the seeds of Hydnocarpus kurzii) to treat leprosy. Among
its many other listings are hemp (Cannabis sativa), opium, rhubarb (rhizome of
Rheum spp.) and aconite (Aconitum napellus). It also first recorded the uses of
Ephedra species.
The material medica of the great
Greek physician Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC) consists of some 300 to 400
medicinal plants which included opium, mint, rosemary, sage and verbena. The
far-ranging scientific work of Aristotle (384 – 322 BC), a Greek philosopher,
included an effort to catalogue the properties of the various medicinal herbs
known at that time. The encyclopaedic work of Dioscorides (1st
Century AD) – De Materia Medica – was the forerunner of all modern
pharmacopoeias and an authoritative text on botanical medicine. This work
featured about 600 medicinal plants. Two of the 37 volumes of books written by
Pliny De Elder (23 – 70 AD) were devoted to medical botany and these included a
large number of medicinal plants. In the middle ages, the great Greek
pharmacist – physician, Galen (131 – 200 AD) used a large number of medicinal
plants in preparing his recipes which included, for the first time in history,
ingredients of both plant and animal origin.
The Arabian Muslim physicians,
like Al- Razi and Ibne Sine (9th to 12th century AD),
brought about a revolution in the history of medicine by bringing new drugs of
plant and mineral origin into general use. Enriching the original Greek system
of medicine by the introduction of these new materials and knowledge they laid
down the foundation stone of modern western medicine.
The use of medicinal plants in Europe in the 13th
and 14th centuries was based on the doctrine of Signatures or
Similars developed by Paracelsus (1490 – 1541 AD), a Swiss alchemist and
physician. The South American countries have provided the world with many
useful medicinal plants, grown naturally in their forests and planted in the
medicinal plant gardens. Use of medicinal plants like coca (Erythroxylum spp.)
and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was common in these countries in the 14th
and 15th centuries. The medicinal plants used by the Australian aborigines
many centuries ago tremendously enriched the stock of medicinal plants of the
world. The current list of the medicinal plants growing around the world
includes more than a thousand items.
Reference: The Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh by Abdul Ghani. ISBN: 984-512-348-1
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